Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Rai's New Day... BYE HIATUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well... Hiatus visitors... it was indeed fun while it lasted but... Da Hiatus is OVER!!!!!!!!!!!

It is time for me to Return to Radiance.

I have created a new blog and will no longer be posting on Da Hiatus! It is time for me to shine... you know... get back to the limelight!

Please check out my new blog at: www.return2radiance.blogspot.com .
The fun has just started!

Rai stands and looks around, "Bye Hiatus... it is time for me to be me why being birthed into my destiny!".

The End!


King has been... Dethroned!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rai pauses... steps up to the ex-boyfriend formally known as King and snatches his crown, "Gimme dat nicca!"

Ah well... after about two weeks of neglect I am back! I am back and I am single! Single! Single!

In all honesty I have always been single. Even when I wasn't I always was. I am so glad I have kept this blog. It is living proof that I was blinded and should have left that situation a long time ago. Often times love blinds us. It distracts us from the negative and focuses our attention on the positive.

I feel so FREE ladies and gentlemen. I can post about any topic I want to. He always made me feel like I couldn't be as open as I would have wanted to be on this blog (due to the fact that telling my business is also telling his). I am so excited because... due to the fact that I am indeed single... who do I have to answer to? ABSOLUTELY NO ONE!

We have been having issues in our relationship for the last month. Actually he has been having the issue. I gave and gave and gave. You all know how much I gave... my bday was wack with him... no Christmas presents because he is not a believer... valentines... NOTHING... never really had time for me... it was always work... work... work. Now don't get me wrong... there were a lot of good things about the relationship. I love the fact that he was driven and determined. It inspired me! I am moving forward in my life because of it.

The Down Fall:

I will now refer to the former King as "X". It all started on our one year anniversary... (this past weekend). He decided that he just wanted to be my friend because I didn't measure up to his ex-girlfriend. I will be honest... it hurt my feelings initially. I have never in life been compared to anyone else... let alone settled on! It was new to me... but I definitely see the message of it all. God was teaching me humility and vulnerability. I am multifaceted and come from a different world than him. It was never meant to work... no matter how much I wanted to convince myself that it was. I think my problem was that... I was so ready to settle down I made myself oblivious to the obvious. He wasn't as in to me as I was him.

X has commitment issues that only he can fix. I wish him the best in all of his endeavours (as I know he will read this to figure out how I am really taking the breakup).


You will always be near and dear to me. I just care not to see are talk to you ever again in life (after I give you your things). It was a fun ride, I learned so much from you. I wish you nothing the but the best with www.lioneyetv.com (his web based TV station... ya'll should check it out! Really HOTT Shows!). Have a nice life with your "Perfect Clan" of a Family (Granny, Mom, Brother and Uncle) . I hope you eventually get your boys! Enjoy your best female friend who get you... and continue to enjoy conversations from ex-girlfriends who want you back... I don't. You were a wonderful friend and man. You have a lot to offer someone, when you decide to.

I will always have love for you,


Whew... I can move on... or have I already? You all will have to stay tuned. Don't worry X isn't completely replaced yet, but you all know that there is always someone out there that will treat you how you deserve to be treated in EVERY WAY and you should never settle just for the sake of having a man!

The End.


Monday, March 19, 2007

More Self Expression...

Ok... due to some series of events, I indeed received another tattoo this past Friday night. On a whim (AGAIN!) I got a dragonfly on my back (left side- lower shoulder blade).

Some friends and myself went out to Happy Hour after work and got to talking about tattoos. I commented on how I thought I was becoming addicted to them (due to the fact that I had just gotten one). A friend was like... "Hey! Lets go get one!". That was all she wrote.

We ended up at the same Tattoo Shop I had been at 7 days earlier... and I got the tattoo!

I think I am acting out because I have been going through some things lately. For so long I have been living in a box... being deathly afraid to do anything different. I guess I have been dreading judgement. As of now... I basically don't care. I love my new tattoos and I plan on getting more. Self expression is truly priceless.

For once I am living for me and not those who surround me!

The End.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Ah Enlightenment!

I have been truly blessed this past year. I mean truly TRULY blessed. I am at last on the road to accomplishing all of my dreams. God is truly amazing!

I figured out what was of the most importance in my life. As if you all couldn't figure it out by reading my blog for the last year, it would definitely be companionship. When I say companionship, I don't simply mean it in an "I need a man" way. I enjoy giving and receiving love. I want to get married and have 4 more children... and that is ok. It makes me happy. I will never jeopardize my well being physically or emotionally, but I love to love and be loved.

I love God. I love my Sun. I love my Momma (family). I absolutely love and adore my King. I have grown to accept this and not be afraid to air my feelings due to how I feel people will receive me.

I absolutely ADORE my girl pals (the Divine Divas of WHEW). They have truly been my backbone over the last year. I don't know what I would do with out these ladies.

I guess what I am attempting to convey in this post is that I have been enlightened by my Heavenly Father on the things that matter most to me... the people closest to me.

I have put aside hard feelings for my son's father and have accepted the fact that I too had a part in the dismantling of our relationship and Sun is of utmost importance currently. I have accepted the fact that I lost a dear dear friend due to my ego. I have accepted the fact that I am still a child in my Momma's eyes... no matter how hard I try to prove my independence I still have to respect her the same way I did when I was little.


I have accepted the fact that I fell in love with a wonderful guy. Our relationship will not be perfect, but for once in my life I will continue to put my all into it.

The End.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Ooooh... I Got Inked!

I am alive and well and enjoying life. Enjoying it so much I got a tattoo on last Friday. It was such a rush. I got it last Friday, March 9th. Me, Bossy and a co-worker of mine went and inked ourselves on a whim. It was actually fun to do something so spur of the moment. I got an open loop cross on my right hip. It is truly symbolic of God’s presence in my life and my salvation.

At the point of this picture I was laughing and talking to the girls about how much the tattoo didn’t hurt. They took the picture with out my knowledge. True fun.

The time is dwindling down… I will start a new blog in April… as my Hiatus was only meant to last for 1 year.

The End.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Rai's Reveal!

Ok… so ya’ll know how funny I have been this past almost year about posting pics of myself on my blog? I thought and thought and I came to the conclusion that I am nearing the end of my Hiatus. It has been right at a year since I started it and I have truly grown as a person. I have had a chance to live life and see all my dreams begin to come alive. I am truly blessed and I know the Lord will continue to take good care of me.

So I had to show the cutest picture of my girls and me at a birthday party I threw for a good friend of mine on this past Saturday. We are (from left to right) Me (Rai), Styles, Divine (in the center), Princessa and last but not least Bossy. We had such a ball celebrating Div’s BDay. I thought this was extra symbolic because of the beautiful red roses we wore in our hair. It’s symbolism is of our growth. We were once tiny seeds and we have indeed blossomed. God is GOOD!

Life has taken me away from my blog but I am indeed heading back. I will spend the month of March reflecting on the last year of my life and how I intend on progressing into the future.

Be Patient With Me!

Imma keep the posts comin’!


Wednesday, February 28, 2007

An Inkful Celebration!

Hey Hiatus Patriots!

I am definitely back… Boy do I have lots to tell! The focus of this post will be the Slinging Ink Tattoo Expo (www.slinginginktattooexpo.com). This past weekend (2/24 thru 2/25) King and I headed down I10 to San Antonio, TX. We went to tape a show for his web-based television station. He told me it was a tattoo expo, but I had no idea what to expect. I myself am in to tattoos (though I only have one for now), but it was truly something to see so many walking art canvasses. Truly Amazing!

The production crew and myself spent most of the expo in the VIP tent. There was free food and drinks, not to mention the guy in the corner who did massages. The massage therapist and friends that were there begged me to get a massage. I then walked over to look at the bed. The once white sheets were now brown. I brought this to the massage therapist’s attention and he motioned to one set of clean sheets in the corner. I myself had noticed over 10 people there getting massages (taking their clothes off and lying on these same sheets!). Heck No! No massage for me!

An interesting fact about the expo was that there were quite a few popular porn stars there. I was truly amazed. I would normally not equate tattoos and sex, but after my experiences at the expo, the two walking hand in hand make perfect sense to me. This leads me to the absolute main attraction. Mr. Ron Jeremy himself was there. I am not particularly into porn at this time, especially not the viewing of old stubby men, but let’s face it… this guy is a legend in the porn world. You all can also remember him from the third season of the Surreal Life Reality Show on VH1. Upon meeting me he said, “Hi” and proceeded to stick out his hand (assuming I would shake it). No disrespect to him, but this guy had been with thousand upon thousands of women and I was not trying to introduce my flesh to his in no way, shape, or form. I just couldn’t do it! There was a porn star there who had been with over 900 men in one taping… couldn’t have contact with her either!

There were booths among booths of people selling things and getting/doing tattoos. I really, really wanted to get one, but King was so busy working, we ran out of time. I spent most of the day with Bubbles. She was really good friends with one of the shows producers. What a wonderful lady! She truly was a sweetheart. She got even sweeter after free drink number seven. I was so glad that I only had a couple of spaced out drinks, because I needed all of my brain power to deal with her. I know she had a hangover the following day!

All in all the expo was eight hours of crazy uninhibited fun. I had a chance to experience a different side of life. Interesting.

Want to know the weirdest thing about it all?

I look forward to going back next year!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

What a time...

What a weekend! It took me a couple of days to absorb everything before I posted again. It would probably be easy just to take you all day by day. A summary of course!

I guess I will start right here…

Friday, February 16th:

I got the bomb tickets to go to the play Issues: Everybody’s Got ‘Em. Leggs was in town for the week touring with the play (she is the personal assistant to the producer. We truly viewed in style. I went with a girl pal of mine and we had front row center seats. All of the ladies were going crazy because of the fact that
Darrin Henson was in the play. You all may remember him as Liam on the Soul Food series on Showtime. All I could remember him from his infomercial in the late 90’s. He was showcasing his choreography skills and boasting about how he worked with different pop groups, such as ‘Nsync. I can recall him attempting to teach one of the routines that ‘Nsync had performed and as he motioned the moves as he retorted, “Ain’t no lie bye bye bye!” Too cheesy! I loved it! It took everything in me not to bring it up when I met him backstage. The play was wonderful! A great colorful cast (Kim Fields and Dave Hollister to name a couple)!

I then headed back to King to spend a couple moments of the remainder of the night with him. We had a serious talk about some issues he was in the midsts of and called it a night! It was indeed a good Friday!

Saturday, February 17th:

WHEW…hew… we had our 10th W.omen H.elping E.mpower W.omen meeting at my apartment. It was truly a treat. The group is really growing. We have 11 active consistent members and it feels good. No jealousy, envy, or deceit- just women inspiring one another. We talked about our special gifts and truly empowered each other to reach for her dreams! My girl pal and I went to a B-Day party and it was truly a good time. I missed my best guy pal Senator, as he was in Vegas for All Star Weekend.

Sunday, February 18th:

CHUCH… CHUCH…CHUCH… has never been so good. This was a relaxing day for me. I attended church…ate…and headed home for a nap! Soon Sun was dropped off by the Infamous CK and we ran errands. The little guy and I went to the park, grocery store, and ended the night at Blockbuster. We headed home to watch movies- what a good night!

This is my recap of the weekend.
I am sure there will be more to come.

The End.