Thursday, June 01, 2006

So Long May '06

Dear May 2006,

What can I say? How can I say? Thank you! You have been so good to me. This month started out GREAT and had ended on a wonderful note. Let's see... I held my first WHEW Sister Circle meeting. It was AWESOME! That was at the beginning of the month. I also attended the first taping of a T.V. show for King's Web Based T.V. station (I had to support my man). Hummm... I went home (D-Town TX) for Mother's Day to see Momma G. I read a wonderful book by my favorite author, E. Lynn Harris. It was AWESOME! I began an "official" relationship with King. I also ended the month by spending a WONDROUS weekend with King! Ok...ok... I will stop with the sssoouulllllll mate stuff. Thanks May! You have been so good to me!

Lookin' forward to June!



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