Friday, September 22, 2006

The Humiliation of Inebriation

Ok. I am by no means and alcoholic, but I was in deep contemplation one day (night).

Let me start from the beginning. I am an EXTREMELY outspoken and up front person. I speak first and think about what was said later. I do this with my friends all the time so they know, and accept me for the "crazy lady" that I am. But, I will say, when I drink, it is COMPLETELY OUT OF CONTROL. I blurt out random, crazy, hurtful (at times) things. I don't mean it. I mean, the completely sober Rai wouldn't dare open her mouth to say anything half as hurtful.

But, The CrunkDrunk Rai Did.

I won't re-live the night by telling the story, but I hurt someone I truly love and care about. I know that they fill the same about me because they forgave me for it. Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love. I had to repeat it over and over because, it truly makes my heart smile to know that someone cares about me enough to accept me for my faults, as well as the positive attributes I have.

Long story short.

I am through with drinking excessively. One...two max for me. If it is coming to the point that I could potentially damage something that means so much to me... I am Good. Foreal. I am Good.

No Spirits (but the Holy Ghost ;o) for Me!

The End.



Blogger J-Bigg said...

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2:22 AM  
Blogger J-Bigg said...

Other than the fact that I have no sheer desire to drink, my lack of control scares me away from drinking. I say what's on my mind when I am sober (with a little discretion) so I know if I were to drink or get drunk, those few times I hold my tongue, would be out of the window. I would lose friends. It wouldn't be a good look. So, I will pass on the spirits.

2:23 AM  
Blogger Summer G said...

Well uuhhh...
you already know I'm a firm supporter and endorser of the spirits... In moderation of course.

Anything in moderation can be enjoyable...

Well, just about anything. I almost forgot who I was talking to. (LOL)


7:19 PM  

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