Monday, March 19, 2007

More Self Expression...

Ok... due to some series of events, I indeed received another tattoo this past Friday night. On a whim (AGAIN!) I got a dragonfly on my back (left side- lower shoulder blade).

Some friends and myself went out to Happy Hour after work and got to talking about tattoos. I commented on how I thought I was becoming addicted to them (due to the fact that I had just gotten one). A friend was like... "Hey! Lets go get one!". That was all she wrote.

We ended up at the same Tattoo Shop I had been at 7 days earlier... and I got the tattoo!

I think I am acting out because I have been going through some things lately. For so long I have been living in a box... being deathly afraid to do anything different. I guess I have been dreading judgement. As of now... I basically don't care. I love my new tattoos and I plan on getting more. Self expression is truly priceless.

For once I am living for me and not those who surround me!

The End.


Friday, March 16, 2007

Ah Enlightenment!

I have been truly blessed this past year. I mean truly TRULY blessed. I am at last on the road to accomplishing all of my dreams. God is truly amazing!

I figured out what was of the most importance in my life. As if you all couldn't figure it out by reading my blog for the last year, it would definitely be companionship. When I say companionship, I don't simply mean it in an "I need a man" way. I enjoy giving and receiving love. I want to get married and have 4 more children... and that is ok. It makes me happy. I will never jeopardize my well being physically or emotionally, but I love to love and be loved.

I love God. I love my Sun. I love my Momma (family). I absolutely love and adore my King. I have grown to accept this and not be afraid to air my feelings due to how I feel people will receive me.

I absolutely ADORE my girl pals (the Divine Divas of WHEW). They have truly been my backbone over the last year. I don't know what I would do with out these ladies.

I guess what I am attempting to convey in this post is that I have been enlightened by my Heavenly Father on the things that matter most to me... the people closest to me.

I have put aside hard feelings for my son's father and have accepted the fact that I too had a part in the dismantling of our relationship and Sun is of utmost importance currently. I have accepted the fact that I lost a dear dear friend due to my ego. I have accepted the fact that I am still a child in my Momma's eyes... no matter how hard I try to prove my independence I still have to respect her the same way I did when I was little.


I have accepted the fact that I fell in love with a wonderful guy. Our relationship will not be perfect, but for once in my life I will continue to put my all into it.

The End.


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Ooooh... I Got Inked!

I am alive and well and enjoying life. Enjoying it so much I got a tattoo on last Friday. It was such a rush. I got it last Friday, March 9th. Me, Bossy and a co-worker of mine went and inked ourselves on a whim. It was actually fun to do something so spur of the moment. I got an open loop cross on my right hip. It is truly symbolic of God’s presence in my life and my salvation.

At the point of this picture I was laughing and talking to the girls about how much the tattoo didn’t hurt. They took the picture with out my knowledge. True fun.

The time is dwindling down… I will start a new blog in April… as my Hiatus was only meant to last for 1 year.

The End.


Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Rai's Reveal!

Ok… so ya’ll know how funny I have been this past almost year about posting pics of myself on my blog? I thought and thought and I came to the conclusion that I am nearing the end of my Hiatus. It has been right at a year since I started it and I have truly grown as a person. I have had a chance to live life and see all my dreams begin to come alive. I am truly blessed and I know the Lord will continue to take good care of me.

So I had to show the cutest picture of my girls and me at a birthday party I threw for a good friend of mine on this past Saturday. We are (from left to right) Me (Rai), Styles, Divine (in the center), Princessa and last but not least Bossy. We had such a ball celebrating Div’s BDay. I thought this was extra symbolic because of the beautiful red roses we wore in our hair. It’s symbolism is of our growth. We were once tiny seeds and we have indeed blossomed. God is GOOD!

Life has taken me away from my blog but I am indeed heading back. I will spend the month of March reflecting on the last year of my life and how I intend on progressing into the future.

Be Patient With Me!

Imma keep the posts comin’!
