Thursday, June 22, 2006


I am posting this in my blog because you all out there in Blogspot Land need to know how I am feeling. My dear Lord and Savior is definitely holding my hand right now. If you guys have kept up with my posts, you will remember a "OMG...I'm a Baby's Momma" post. It was really cute... short and sweet.

This one is REAL...

I am a Baby's Momma on the VERGE...
There are so many things going on in my head right now... therefore, I have no format whatsoever. Everything is about to basically spill out...

Oooh I love my baby
But he act just like his daddy
I use to lust his daddy then...
He gave me the baby
Didn't warn me I would have to do this by myself
Didn't tell me he would basically be the babysitter
I'd have to stay on my grind
Would be a matter of time
Before reality would set in and I would have to-
Take him for every dime
In that CS
Honestly, the money isn't for me
But I have payed a bill or three
It's all good 'cause you see...
My baby lives with me
He flushes the toilet, thus using the water when he pee
It's no ordinary relationship you see
Between my baby daddy and me
Nigga got all educated- obtaining all kinds of degrees
I moving in slow motion 'cause I'm watering my seed
Making sure he blossoms
Achieves his highest potential
It's hard sometimes
Doing it all alone
Holding it down and staying strong
Gotta stay up
Can't let anything break me
Ooohh... I said break...
Would it be possible
Can I just break that niggas legs, put Sunshine in his lap and leave?
Then he would be forced to take full responsibility of his seed
Don't worry... it would be cool
Sunshine can potty alone and take baths
He can even make him self a sandwich or two
Nah... that wouldn't be right
I have to realize that I am a baby's momma
I am doing my thing
Sunshine has a weekend Dad
Whom I will not blame
He is doing all he knows how
He didn't come from much
I should've though about that before I let him touch
No regrets though
With out that moment in time
I would not have a chance to
Conceive and birth my Sunshine.

The End.

~NowthatIgotthatoutImmagoshankthatnigga~ Just Playing---Don't Call the Po Po's... I have Sunshine Remember?


Blogger J-Bigg said...

Wow. This was powerful!!! Due to some bogus actions taken back in 2002/2003 I have been strongly opposed to CS. Because I knew so many women that abused the system. But you are the FIRST woman that ever made me realize Child Support is needed in some situations. You keep living, remain strong. Raise a son that will own up to responsibilty when he gets of age. Your son is wet clay right now, mold him into a productive citizen and someone that dispels all stereotypes about black men.

4:52 PM  

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