Tuesday, July 11, 2006

...And there was Eve.

I am by no means discounting men but... this here post, it's about US! Women... we are beautiful, intelligent, and capable of doing any and everything we put our hearts to. We are the Eve (mother) of ALL things. The sad part is... we don't even realize it.

Men. We blame them for everything. "That nicca beat me." - Let's examine why? It is simple. You let him. Men do any and EVERYTHING we let them do. Our overall treatment by them is based on our opinions of ourselves. We wouldn't put up with that behavior from people on the street whom we don't know. Why are we dealing with it from someone we let between our thighs? Ok... maybe physical abuse doesn't ring a bell for you.

"His cell phone rings at 2am, but it's just his momma, she needs to quit bothering us that late at night. He always has to go in the other room to talk to her 'cause she claims she doesn't want me all in their business."- Let's be real. No mom is going to call their adult child (who is at their own house) that late at night, unless something is indeed wrong. He is lying Sisterfriend! He is entertaining a relationship or 'fling' with another woman. Why do women lie to themselves about these situations? Are we afraid no one will accept us? Are we simply entertaining the fact that half a man is better than no man at all? There is light at the end of the tunnel.

As it pertains to men... we can have all the desires of our hearts. We simply have to be patient as to when He (God) has prepared us to be able to bring our share to the table. He created man from dust, and called him Adam. He knew that Adam needed a counter part so, he put him in a deep sleep. While he was asleep, he opened his chest and took a rib out. He took the rib and created woman. Only when woman was a complete and finish work did he wake Adam. Let's face it Ladies! Adam is sleep! Men are sleep! Only when we become the full and complete woman we were created to be, will men wake up and do what they were created to do.

Don't get me wrong fellas. I do understand there are some of you all that do get it, I am not talking about you. There are others that do have a lot of growing up to do. It is up to us as woman to only accept the man that we "need"- yes I said need. We want a lot of things but companionship is serious. To be honest, we normally don't even want the man that we need. We want the man that brings issues. Then, we get tired and frustrated when in fact, that was not the guy for us in the first place.

You are a wonderful creation of God. You must know yourself completely and be capable of bringing your gift of influence, sensitivity, and warmness (to name a few attributes) to the table. You must be confident about yourself and not seek validity. Be comfortable in your skin. Do your thing/ expand on your gift He has blessed you with. Don't worry about 'snagging' a man. When God is ready he will send one of His kings specifically for you. You have to be ready first and foremost.

When are we going to stop dodging the red flags and move on to the man designed especially for us?

The End.

p.s. I will have another installment of my relationship trilogy as it pertains to women's relationships with each other.



Blogger Summer G said...

YES! THATS IT! These good for nuthin bastards are SLEEPING! I knew it! And yeah, i jokingly say "___ is sleepin' on me", but from a spiritual standpoint, i TOTALLY understand it now. GOOD JOB! (( did i just use both "bastards" and "spiritual" in the same topic?! oopppss!))

Your posts are great, Sisterfriend Rai. Cant wait to get some mo' wisdom from ya!


8:49 PM  
Blogger J-Bigg said...

"Let's face it Ladies! Adam is sleep! Men are sleep! Only when we become the full and complete woman we were created to be, will men wake up and do what they were created to do. "

Great, GREAT point!!! There is nothing that can be said that would illustrate it better.

"To be honest, we normally don't even want the man that we need. We want the man that brings issues. Then, we get tired and frustrated when in fact, that was not the guy for us in the first place."

This was right on time!!! This is the exact reason I am single today. Often times women say they want a good man, but when they get him, they mistreat him. and then they throw out the cliche, "there aren't any good men left". I have news for you, there are plenty of GREAT men out there but you have turned them all down because he wasn't tall enough, or he didn't drive the right kind of car, or didn't work in the most desirable place, or was slightly overweight. I am in no way saying that all women are as superficial as this, nor am I saying that only women are superficial. I am merely saying see the forrest through the trees.

5:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.

2:36 PM  

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