Friday, July 07, 2006

When Sex Isn't Enough...

Being celibate was exciting. Knowing that no one had access to the goodies was amazing! You think you depend on guys for sexual pleasure, only to realize, you are capable of handling things yourself. So you think?You're with 'the guy' for you, the sex is great (only because you feel he is your soul mate and everything else is in order). Then after doing it repeatledly, you still feel the same as you did previously.

Can sexual desires ever completely be met?

Umf! As human beings, we need to clarify what it is that we really want. We want the whole package. The kitchen, living room, and bedroom, to be in the correct order. That is what we want. When we make it to the bedroom, we want....


It to be all that we imagined. We then want to return to the other areas in the house and have them in order as well, because...




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