You think you know... but have NO idea!
Here are important questions you need to ask your self about your partner. This is assuming you are in a serious relationship (both of you ;o))!
1. Have you met the fam? Children?
2. Have you met the crew(friends)?
3. Are you aware of the place of employment? Ever been there?
4. Are you aware of the credit score? Social Security Number?
5. Have you seen his drivers license?
6. Have you ever been to his house?
7. Ever glance at the mail to notice potential names other than his? (assuming you answered yes to #6)
8. Does he drink? Smoke? Could there be a potential substance abuse problem?
9. How does he handle his anger?
10. Is he an open or private person?
11. Does he talk about his family?
12. How is his relationship with his mom?
13. What type of family situation did he come from?
14. Do you know about his pass sex history? How many? Gender? (hey...we are in the age of the DL brotha's)
15. Does he have regular AIDs testing?
16. How does he see his future family life?
17. Is he even family oriented?
18. What is his view on women?
19. Is he ambitious?
20. Where does he see himself in the next 5, 10, 20 years?
These are all EXTREMELY important questions to ask yourself when dealing with a new mate. Now LADIES... some of these questions you will have to be observant to give you a realistic answer. Others you will be able to just simply ask. Accept the answers as reality and for what they are. Do not attempt to change this man, either you accept him or not!
Happy Inquiry!
Unfortunately for me, I can confirm knowledge of 90% of those questions for BOTH the men in my life. The real problem is what to DO what the information I have.
**shrugs shoulders**
I will have a juicy something to post tomorrow though, I am SURE of it. I can just about FEEL MYSELF about to do something ignant tonite. HA!
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