Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Anonymity At its Best

This is probably the "realest" post I will ever write. It is truly astonishing to me how people that don't communicate with me regularly keep up with me via my blog. Don't get it twisted... I have never been, and will never be, a messy person, but this is truth.

I don't really know how to take it. Should I be flattered? Upset? Used?
Let me see...

I have always done well with flattery. It is so funny and amazing to me. The "anonymous" comments. The same IP addresses. It is really something. I would think, if someone was interested in the goings on in my life (assuming they are close enough to me that they have my personal numbers) you think they would call personally and talk to me about the happenings in my life. I will never truly understand women... heck! I rarely understand myself.

I guess it all boils down to this...

For all of the anonymous readers of this blog, who actually know me personally, and don't talk to me on a regular bases but, check my blog daily keeping up with what is going on in my life and the lives of those who I care most about, thank you. Thank you for caring about me enough to actually check up on my blog to know about the recent occurrences in my life. I welcome any of you who know me personally to give me a call. I have never held a grudge in life and I have not started now.

Forgiveness is beautiful.
Words to live by.

Ok. P.S.... here goes. After posting this wonderful work, I had a revelation, so, I had to edit the post and add to it.

I know the exact reason for the anonymity of a lot of my readers, that I may actually know personally. It is actually my fault. I am not exactly an "approachable" person. My ego gets in the way 90% of the time. Know that I truly mean well. I just choose not to get hurt in any type of relationship. My life is EXTREMELY exciting. Everyone who has ever hung out with me understands that. I am pretty sure that those that are not close to me anymore miss that aspect of my friendship. I have chosen to disclose EVERYTHING on this blog. I am honest and those who know me know the extent of my honesty. It is never ending. So... there it goes.
I figured it out all by my lonesome.

Thank you to all the anonymous readers for still being there(in some form) for me. I still love you the same (from the bottom of my heart).


The End.



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