Tuesday, October 24, 2006

The 45 Scare... Do I Dare?

Ok... back to posting.

Last week, Tuesday, October 17th, myself and 9 other managers from my job headed up 45 North to prepare for a leadership conference in Dallas, Tx. Upon hearing about the trip (a week before hand) I was immediately excited, because I am from Dallas. It would be a familiar fun time.

We soon were piling in three separate SUV's in preparation for the 4 hour drive. We (obviously) cliqued up for the drive. I ended up riding out with a wondrous female "prick", who I love to death, hum... let's call her Bluntness and a sweet and sensitive "gay guy", who I love even more, let's call him CoolFlame. Let's just say... all three of our personalities combined was truly something. CoolFlame started out the drive from Houston, hacking (coughing) away. He was getting over a cold. He coughed us down the freeway while Bluntness and I talked away.

Soon we got to the half way point between Dallas and Houston. Centerville. We stopped... pee'd and picked up some treats. I proceeded to drive the rest of the way to Dallas. Immediately CoolFlame began talking about my driving. First of all, I was driving an SUV that I wasn't familiar with. It always takes awhile to get use to driving an unfamiliar car. Instead of using the brakes consistently, I just ease off the gas sporadically. It causes a light jerk of the car. CoolFlame made it his business to annoy me with the fact that I was doing this (which I do in cars I am unfamiliar with to keep from slamming on the brakes.

2 1/2 hours later... we made it to Dallas.
Got checked in to the hotel.
The gang (co-workers) went out to Dinner.
Momma G came by the hotel.
I ate the peach cobbler she brought.
I took a shower.
I nestled snugg in my bed and went to sleep.
I woke up.
Got dressed.
Checked out of the hotel.
Ate breakfast.
Attended the Leadership Conference (all 9hrs. of it).
Headed back to Dallas.

Here Goes...
45 South get scary!

Wednesday, October 18th, 2006 (6pm)
CoolFlame, Bluntness, and myself spend an unnecessary 30min at the gas station attempting to get gas. After that was settled... we headed back to Houston. It was me in the driver's seat, CoolFlame shotgun, and Bluntness behind in in the back seat. I was the chosen one to get us out of Dallas, because it was familiar territory. The weather was a really cool 55 degrees (for Dallas). It was really cloudy and it was apparent that the weather was about to get really bad. I was at east because we were leaving the city.

(Imagine a narrow two lane highway, surrounded by a wooded area with no lights, not to mention numerous 18 wheelers flying by)
We had been in Dallas traffic for awhile, but had finally made it out of the city limits. We were roughly 70 miles out of Dallas when the weather made a turn for the worst. It started with a slight drizzle. Then it came down slightly harder. Then, before we new it, the rain was consuming the windshield. It was dark by this time, and I was driving a car that I wasn't use to. I began to get a little scared the more I drove. Soon it was raining so hard that I couldn't see anything in front of me. CoolFlame was making jokes about my driving and the fact that I was slowing down, and asking him to put on the defrost for the windows. Bluntness was unusually quiet. I, with my hands gripped tightly to the wheel, prayed prayer after prayer that we would be ok. The 18 wheeler trucks were dashing by us at high speeds causing more and more water to consume the car, thus enabling me to be able to see clearly. We drove for about 5 miles, with me having hardly no vision of what was in front of me. The only thing that guided me was the faint line of the lane dividers and my headlights. I even swerved a couple of times. I prayed and prayed, while CoolFlame teased and teased. I even thought that my life was about to come to an end. I just thanked God for my son and that he wasn't in the car with me. I prayed that he would be taken care of.

We had made it to Centerville finally (the halfway mark). I was exhausted and ready to be home with my son (he had stayed with his God parents). We went in, pee'd, got snacks and I gladly gave the keys to CoolFlame, so he could drive the remainder of the way home.

The rain had let up by then, but I could help but rejoice in the Lord because only hours earlier, I didn't think I would live to see another day. I am thankful for all I have and all I have been through, because it has aided me in appreciating God and life.

I made it safely to my apartment that night. As I got into my blanket I couldn't help but reflecting on that night and my life.

Thanks God for having mercy on me!

The End.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

glad that u made it home safely. I got your message the following day when it didn't matter anymore. my bad.

12:03 AM  
Blogger J-Bigg said...

Praise GOD that you made it safely. You literally had to go through the storm to appreciate some of the things in your life. Isn't God good?

12:04 AM  

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