Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Birthday w/ Sun, Rai, and CK...

Well... I had a wonderful... busy.. but nevertheless WONDERFUL weekend! Sun had his BDay party and it went smoother than smooth. CK was there along with Cozy (his GF), not to mention a host of aunts, uncles, cousins and his GaGa (grandmother).

Sun's aunt had it at her house and boy, did he have fun! He ran around and played with friends and family. He was elated to see both of his parents there, and he deserved at least that much for his 4th BDay.

Go Sunshine !
It was your Birthday!
We sho partied like it was your Birthday!

Didn't drink Bicardi on your Birthday!
You know Mommy and Daddy gave you Love on your Birthday!

It was really really cool to see my son so excited. He would look at me and then at his dad and show us the biggest smile. He was really happy on his 4th birthday.

The moral of the story is that as parents we have to ensure that our children are taken care of to the best of our ability. That is what is most important. Who cares if you can or can't stand the other parent. All that matters is the welfare of the child.

Let's just say...

Sun had a BLAST on his big day!

The End.



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