Did you know that friendships are the most important relationship there is? Often times we put sole energy into our romantic relationships, meanwhile we neglect those friends that were there before and will be there after the romantic fling has ran it's course.
Don't misunderstand me. We must first know the meaning of "true" friendship and attributes of such. Everyone we are acquainted with is not our friend. Just like (I hope) one wouldn't sleep with someone until they have knowledge of their character and intentions; we should fully know and be at peace with the person before we call them friend.
Our friends should be on the same page we are as far as spiritual and mental mind sets are concerned. I by no means am saying that your friends should be your clone, but you both should respect and understand each other equally. Friends are delicate entities.
A Few Attributes Important to Friendships...
Just to name a few.
Friendships are priceless. EVERYONE is not your friend. Statistics show that only 3% of acquaintance's that people interact with are their true friend. I agree with B's post on an interesting blog (Titled: "Just a Few Thoughts" on Memoirs of the Grown and Sexy), that people either come in your life for a Reason/Season/Lifetime. True friendships are for a lifetime, actually, true friends become family that you meet on your journey through life.
We should cherish true friendships. There is nothing wrong with having Ladies Night Out, with a few of your lady aquaintances. I will say, it would be wise to keep it that. Never allow your self to get trapped into potentially hazardous friendships (if you can control it).
On a personal note...
I have just a FEW TRUE friends. I can count them on one hand. I know that they will forever be there for me. I love and will do anything for my girls (and guy- one of my BF's is actually a guy)
That's the important thing.
The End.
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