Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Officially Fed Up

Okay guys. I am about to pour out my heart. I don't need the "I told you so's". So here goes...

Me and the King. This whole lack of time thing is really starting to get to me. Ok. Let me explain...

I do understand that he is a busy man. God knows I do. But being kicked to the curb repeatedly would start to wear on anyone. The broken promises and no shows can only happen so often. When I began the relationship I knew it wouldn't be perfect. No relationship is. I indeed knew what I was entering in to (dealing with an ambitious entrepreneur attempting to take over the world). The only thing is... I didn't realize the extent of my compromise. I do know that he is a busy man. I am busy as well. I am a single mom who spends the majority of her time at work. When I am not working (my 11-9), I am doing things for my (soon to be) non-profit, all while raising my son. I still take time out to see and talk to him, or attempt to at least.

For the last almost 4 months I have been attempting to perfect the 'new' Rai. 'Cause best believe, back in the 'old' Rai days... this thing would have been over before it started. I do know that anything worth having is worth working for. When do you stop picking up the slack for your 'co-worker'? I feel like this relationship is a blessing, I really do. But as the minutes tick, I am wearing thin. I know I will look back on this (regardless of the outcome) and value the lesson learned. It's just that, as of right now I am...

Officially Fed Up!

The End.



Blogger J-Bigg said...

Honestly any cliched phrase can be thrown into a response to this post. "everything happens for a reason", "If it is meant to be it will be", "anything worth having is worth working at",but in all honesty you know your situation better than any of your readers. You are the only one that knows if you efforts are truly worth it. I will suggest though, that you should make a physical list of pros and cons of being with "The King" and if the cons outweigh the pros, you should maybe move on. Because essentially all that matters is that you and your son are happy, and you are doing what is right for you!


3:39 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

9:27 AM  

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