Thursday, July 27, 2006

Jealousy and Envy... A Woman's two Best Friends

Bare with me Ladies and Gents. I'm about to say it... Say it all. You may not like it but... the truth hurts a tad bit at times.

Why are women jealous of each other?
Why do women neglect to admit the extent of their jealousy and envy?
Why do women cover it up by bringing (making) up "crazy" personality traits about the other, that at times don't exist?
Why must a woman pass another, and instead of saying, "hi", look her up and down, judging her appearance?

There is one main answer to the above listed questions. Women are INSECURE! I don't care how pretty, fine, intelligent, they are. There is always a slight bit of insecurity in the formula. Ladies! We are ALL beautiful in our own unique way. Why must women feel they have to compete with each other? There are plenty men out there to go around. We are DESTROYING our relationships with each other, because of US.

You must first and foremost accept and love what you see when you look in the mirror. You must be soley comfortable in your own skin. We should be building each other up, not tearing one another down. We must find that hidden quality within ourselves that make us different. We should respect and love our fellow women. That's what it is all about.

How do we expect men to treat us with respect, when we don't even respect each other? It makes no sense to me.

On a personal note:
I have been dealing with women being intimidated and jealous of me since a very young age. The funny thing about it is, I have always been really friendly and thrived on friendships. All be honest. God blessed me with beauty, a nice physique, and intelligence. I have never been and will never be a threat to another woman. I embrace my gifts and I use them to better me, not tear anyone else down. I am in a managerial position at my job (supervising around 22-27 women), I have a beautiful son who gets EVERY weekend with his father and is financially taken care of, I am pioneering a women's movement, and lots of other things. I am extremely outspoken and strong willed. I do not accept mediocre and I live a stress free life. I do this by CHOICE. Other's opinions of me (while I take into consideration loved one's), do not matter. God's opinion of me is the only thing that will be reflected by the passing of my day's. I am a positive person and I choose to be this way.

Why would someone be jealous of that?

I can take criticism from "man", but only God can judge me.


Love your self. Do your thing. Embrace your fellow women. We are in this struggle together. Let's know, fully understand, and embrace our purpose. Until we do that, we can expect little to nothing from our male counter parts.

The End.



Blogger Summer G said...

Yea, this is the ONE reason why women fall out. JEALOUSY. So sad, yet so true. All roads always lead back to jealousy on some level. I, like you, have never been the competitive type with women, or the type to feel insecure about myself based on someone else's qualities. You really hit it with saying we are women need to embrace our OWN uniqueness and love what we see. God knows I love what I see! And I get on my knees and thank him ALL THE TIME for making me this wonderful. 'Cause honey, being ugly is a CURSE... or so I've heard. LMAO LMAO LMAO!

Dont fret Rai. You and me and beautifully and wonderfully made by Him. And HE dont make no mistakes.

Pray for the HATERS... and shake 'em off.


3:56 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Excellent. And so is your site! Keep up the good work. Bookmarked.

10:24 AM  

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