Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Dallas in a Nutshell

It seems as though so much happened in my life with in the course of three days. I went to Dallas the weekend of August 4th-6th. This was a Friday to Sunday situation. So much happened during those 72 hours.

I stayed with a girl buddy of mine, Leggs. We had such and interesting time. I hung out with friends that I hadn't seen in, let's say years. I learned some interesting things about myself. My grandfather passed. My mom felt neglected. There is a ton more.

But... in a nutshell.

Friday, Aug. 4th:

Saw my first drug transaction.
Saw my father for the first time in 10 years.
Saw my grandfather alive for the last time.
Spent time with my aunts, grandmother, and father (on my father's side).
Spent some QT with my mother.
Met a really cool person (Bigg) face to face after writing and conversing via the phone and texts.
Saw a special friend that I hadn't seen in awhile.
Saw my bestest guy friend (Head). Man it had been awhile since we hung out.
Had an interesting event occur that was indeed pleasing.
Went to sleep, finally at 6am.

Saturday, Aug. 5th:

Couldn't erase Friday out of my mind. I really went out with a BANG!
Leggs and I got dressed and headed to my brother's baby shower.
I went to the shower and saw friends and family that I hadn't seen in awhile.
Spent some time hanging out with Leggs, spending priceless "girlfriend" time.
Went to a bar with Leggs, and her friend Tatt. His girlbuddies were there as well.
Went to a known gentleman's Club and had tons of fun.
Ended the night meeting up with Smokes. Truly interesting. We had lots to catch up on.
Went to sleep around 5am.

Sunday, Aug. 6th:

Received a call at 5:45am (shortly after I went to sleep), that my Grandfather had passed.
Hung out with Smokes, Tatt, and Leggs briefly.
Went to brunch with Leggs. Wrapping up the weekend.
Went to my grandparents house to grieve.
Headed back down 45, to HTown.

I will repeat the trip this weekend, considering that will be when they will be having the funeral and wake.

I know you guys would LOVE to have the juicy details, but, there are certain things I will keep to myself... for now at least.

The End.



Blogger J-Bigg said...

Your weekend was jam packed with goodies. Seems like you had fun! Well aside from Sunday. You will continue to be in my prayers.

2:59 PM  

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