It's August... and I made It... WHEW!!
Tuesday morning (Aug. 1st, 2006) I woke up feeling HORRIBLE. I had a horrible cold sweat. My head was throbbing, and stomach bubbling. It was indeed "not pretty". I thought I could shake it off but, I couldn't. It was then that I knew I wouldn't be coming to work. It just wasn't achievable.
Sun and I spent the day lounging around. He probably watched 30 movies yesterday (probably more like 7). I was in and out of sleep. Couldn't stand for more than a few seconds with out getting dizzy. Then the tricky part came, preparing Sun something to eat. I made it though. I was able to hook him up some red beans and rice. It was nothing but God. Nothing but.
I ran out to get me some meds (around 7pm). King had called around 2pm to check on me. Said he would come by to make sure I was ok. He arrived around 9pm. I am not complaining... I really appreciate him caring enough to drive 45mins. out of his way to check on me. I am just a spoiled little princess, that's all. I'll write a post about it later. At anyrate we hung out... watched some tv, I took my meds, and went to sleep.
I woke up this morning and... good thing I feel better now, I totally despise being sick. Just thought I would fill you guys in on what was going on with me. I will post a little more later.
The End.
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