Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Cough...Cough...AACCCHEEEEEEEWWW! I'm Back!

*Sniffles as she snuggles close to her keyboard.*

Hello Ladies and Gents.

I am indeed back. Sooooo much to talk about, sooo little time. I have spent the last 48 hours with "Flu-like" symptoms. I dare not claim having the flu.

Screams in my best "Church Preacher Voice, "THE DEVIL IS A LIE!"

I have really missed you guys. It is really therapeutic for me to write. I have figured out a lot of things, as far as my future is concerned. I have really had time to reflect on life and the reason He put me here on the earth. I will chill out on the relationship posts for awhile. It is coming up on the end of the year and I will reflect on and nurture me. That is where it starts. We spend too much time worrying about relationships. I am the first to admit it. I have so much that He has placed ME here to do, I need to focus on that.

So, nothing but fun, uplifting posts from me (for awhile at least). I am spending time working on my Sister Circle and getting things off of the ground.

I will end this post with something OUTRAGEOUS, that I figured out during my 48 hour bed rest.

I found out that Houston is one of the stops along a train track (, that takes passengers to various cities throughout the U.S. I am going home (Dallas), for the holidays, so I thought it would be fun to catch the train (since Sun won't be with me). I called the 1-800 number to get more info. The news was amazing!

Now, from Houston (TX) to Dallas (TX), it is about 295 miles, which adds up to a 3 1/2 hour car ride. As I sat listening to the automated lady tell me the itinerary I was truly AMAZED! The only available train would depart at 9:50pm Wednesday night (12-20-06), and would arrive in Dallas at 3:30pm (12-21-06). Now... call me sheltered... call me ignorant... but how in the heck is it going to take 17 hours to get 295 miles by train!

Best believe that idea was 86'ed before "she" could finish her sentence.

I would love to ride Amtrak one day, however I would have to be accompanied by someone and be going out of state (for the Adventure of it).

I am tired...

The End.



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