Friday, January 12, 2007

Soooo... thats what happens when you have F A I T H!

Faith changes EVERYTHING! I double dog dare you to believe. People spend so much time worrying about what is wrong with the world, they don't spend time enjoying life. I too can be added to the list at times. Life starts to get stressful and we begin to give up.

That is not the way it works. (As stated in the previous post) Faith does not deter us from experiencing hardships, it gets us through those hardships. I am a single mother with limited funds. I did not come from the best personal situation.

You know what?

I still have faith that there will be a brighter day. You know what the best part is? I actually believe and is living in it.

I was so stressed out earlier this week because I would have to train to volunteer at the Women's Shelter two evenings a week, that I normally work. I was afraid that my boss wouldn't understand and would make me choose. I prayed and trusted in God about the situation, and guess what?

I spoke with my boss today and he is behind me 100%. I have my priorities in order and I will not neglect my obligations in any way. Nothing else matters when you believe. God puts ideas in our hearts for a reason. We need to follow him and allow him to push us into our destiny.

We can do all things through Christ!

Just think about it!

The End.



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