Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Heart Song...

Ok... after a WONDERFUL Weekend (Mentally), I had to post about this. As humans, there are times in our lives when our situations (occupations, relationships, bills, family members) get us down. Why? At least that is what I had to ask myself yesterday. Why do we allow others to influence our day? Our happiness.

I was listening to Joel Osteen (Pastor of Mega Church, Lakewood, here in Houston), yesterday (before I left to attend my own church service) and he compared human beings to inflated balloons. We start our day (typically) all excited, happy, and ready to go. Then, we let "life" poke small holes in us. It's inevitable that eventually we will end up almost deflated by the end of the day. What could possibly revive us?

Osteen had a great point, a (what I would call) Heart Song, this is a positive song that aids us in enjoying life (by being positive) and helps us get through the day. I had to really think about it, but I have always had my heart song. It is a WONDERFUL song by Kirk Franklin titled,
Imagine Me, a truly wonderful song (worth checking out the lyrics!).

All in all... God never ever EVER gives us more than we can bear! Look in your heart and find that song that guides you through your day. Believe me! It is worth a try!

The End.



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