Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Those 4 Words Women Despise...

King and I spent the weekend together (as usual) we had a good time (I thought) the first half of the weekend. The second half started ok, but got weird later (Saturday Night). I remember it vividly. We were cleaning up and preparing for the nights shoot. I went upstairs to get dressed. He soon joined me up stairs. For some reason, he became one for little words. He normally would make conversation with me, but he said nothing. Seriously, he said all of ten words to me from the time we left the house, till we arrived at our destination. It was odd to me. This really "funny" feeling came over me. King and I communicate with out words, so I knew somethings was troubling him. I didn't make a big fuss because, he had work to do. But, indeed I felt it.

We preceded with the evening, which turned out pretty well. I had fun, meeting new and interesting people. King got the job done. I feel like, maybe he was uncomfortable with me coming along with him to work. I am not sure why, because I am not an overbearing (smothering type) girlfriend. I left him to do his work, while I mixed and mingled with the crowd. Well, the night ended, with little conversation. He was the most distant he had ever been (mentally) since March 26th (the day we met). He didn't hold me like he usually do when we fall asleep. He woke up early in the morning prepared to leave giving me a "half-a**" hug. He left, and I as well in preparation for church. I didn't hear from him till 11pm that night. We had a 2 min conversation and that was it. He didn't call me Monday (yesterday).

I won't lie! The count down begun yesterday. If I didn't hear from him today, it was going to be over, no questions asked. I admit it sounds childish, but I value you my feelings and self worth more than anything, and I refuse to "run after" ANYONE. I love King, I truly do, but I love myself more.

So I received a call from him today, and he said it. Those 4 Words Women Despise...

....................WE NEED TO TALK................

So, I'm sitting there like, "Uh.. ok.". He would prefer we talk in person, so he is coming over tomorrow night to talk. I must say, I did not see it coming, but who knows. I will say, that this was the best relationship I have ever been in. I have learned so much from him. If we do have the "break up" talk tomorrow, I can say, that I gave everything I had to make it work. There is a blessing in every lesson. I am so glad that I met someone like him. I am a mature woman who has a lot more than a "relationship" going for me. I appreciate every thing the past has taught me. I am in no rush for companionship, but it sure was good while it lasted (assuming it is the "break up talk"). If not, I know we can overcome whatever is plaguing his mind.

When you know you have given something, ANYTHING, your best, that is all that matters. I am still headstrong and a relationship will never define me.

Yes Ladies and Gentlemen... the "Rai"diant one did (after almost 8 months) hear those words. I try so hard to keep my private life private (as much as possible), but I just had to release my feelings!

I will keep you posted though!

The End.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dun-dun-nuh-nuh...Countdown to 'THE CONVERSATION!' Hold your horses..prepare yourself...Be of sound mind, body and heart...Don't jump to conclusions. Everything will work out for the best! Hey on the bright side, at least his 4 words to you won't be "OH SHIT, I'M PREGNANT!!"

5:46 PM  
Blogger J-Bigg said...

As much as you women hate to hear those 4 words, I think us dudes hate them more. They usually come during the fourth quarter of a nail biter between your favorite team and their rival. "We need to talk" immediately followed by, "why don't we spend time together anymore". lol.

2:55 AM  

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