Thursday, June 29, 2006

Seems Like He's Ready

It has definitely been awhile since I posted about my SSSSOUUUL-MATE. We are three months strong right now. It seems like eternity. Things are going quite well for us. He is pursuing his dream and treats me like a princess. He came over last night and... what can I say? Let me recap the evening.

I am planning something very special for him this weekend, (it's his BDay). I need the keys to his house, so he told me on Tues (the 27th) that he would come by Wed (the 28th) to give them to me. Well, last night, (Wednesday, the 28th) I made it home, cleaned, bathed Sunshine and threw him in the bed (literally- he's a rough boy!), and prepared for my evening. Around 11:30pm, no word from him so I popped in a movie. I was just about to give up hope when there was a knock at my door around 12:30am. I open the door and what do I see. King! Looking as tired as ever. He was wearing a too little button down dress shirt, jeans with holes, those Moses sandals with white socks ;o)! Okay... I make fun, but that is his style and I love him anyway. It is just too funny though. He looked exhausted! He didn't want to stand me up, so he came over with out stopping by his house to pick up some extra clothes. He tries!

King is in the midst of doing something MAJOR in his life. He is developing his own web-based television station. How cool is that? He tapes shows, edits them, and puts them on the web for all to see. He is pretty much a one man show right now so, his time is pretty limited. He tries though. I haven't got fed up yet (and probably won't), so that is a good sign. Back to last night.

I had just showered and washed my hair so... let's say I had that 'baby fresh' look. He looked at me and immediately commented on how beautiful I was. He embraced me tightly and told me how happy he was to see me. He then began to shower me with adoration. He told me how much he cared about me. He referred to our son's (he has a 5 year old and my son is 3) as 'ours', mine and his. He talked about 'our' future together. He also told me there was no one else he could imagine himself being with. He told me that I encompassed all he seeked in a mate. Lets see... beauty, intelligence, heart, spirituality, and mental stability (at times ;op). All of this slightly caught me off guard. Nevertheless, it did indeed make my heart smile.

Okay... I know what you all are thinking. "Girl, you need to calm down! That nicca could be running some serious game on you." You would definitely have a point. Here is the deal. I care about this person and I consider his actions first and foremost. He treats me better than I have ever been treated. He is truly the MAN I asked God for. If it turns out that he isn't, "there is blessing in every lesson , and I'm glad I even knew him at all" (India Arie, "The Truth" song on Voyage to India CD). That is how I feel!

Kay Kay... That is enough mush for one post.

The End.


Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Confused K... what do I say?

Obviously I am a baby's Momma, not Daddy, but I will use this post to understand the mind set of the B(aby's) D(addy). Where do I start? Oh I know. My disclaimer.
The thoughts and opinions expressed in this post DO reflect the thoughts and opinions of the creator of this blog... ME! (Radiance-Mentally)

Here is a bit of pertinent info, in which you must understand in order to empathize with my view of my situation.

In the beginning. Man sought out woman. My BD found me. Yes indeed I did oblige but, let it be known that he was greatly interested in me. Soon our sexual relationship began. He did me. I did him. It was all good. We went out to... movies, malls, concerts, took trips, etc... You know, all the fun excursions "in love" couples do. We truly felt each other was "the one".

During the Middle. It happened. During a night of lust, his sperm swam as fast as he could. As for my cute little egg, she had her fast a*s waiting for him. Before I knew it, Sunshine was in the midst of conception. I didn't even realize I was pregnant until about 8 weeks later. Sunshine was just an embryo. (I) spent day after day sick, attending school, and working 40 hrs a week. (He) spent day after day attending school, working (20 hrs a week), and partying with his frat brothers. I wasn't tripping though- hell I didn't have time to trip. I was too busy doing all I had to do. I spent time (initially) getting insurance prepared, attending Dr's appointments (alone mostly), taking all kinds of meds, not to mention all the other things I had going on in my life at the time. He was there at times. Taking me out to eat. His mom let me stay with them for awhile (my family was in Dallas), because she knew they were the only support system I had. During my free time I babysat, to make extra money due to the fact that I would go on maternity leave. All the while he partied it up with the frat. Did I give ages? Maybe not. I was 21 and he 22 at the time. That explained a lot huh? Things went just like that for the full 9 months then...

The End Approaches. I gave birth to my beautiful Sunshine at 2:45am on Monday, February 10, 2003. As soon as I saw him, I knew I would be in love forever. Only two people (beside hospital staff) joined me in the delivery room. Momma G (my mom) and Confused K (Sunshine's Dad). If only I would have known what awaited me.

The Mind Set of Confused K (my BD)!

I see Sunshine only 2x a week and my mom usually watches him the bulk of the time. I didn't want to pay the child support even though I know that the only reason Rai came to HTown is so that Sun could be in my life (I in his). Did I mention that she didn't even take the full 20% , she gave me a little break. I could care less that Rai takes Sun to work with her daily (she works 12 hr days normally). She better not ask me to pick him up during the week. Who cares that I work an 8-5 and just got a job less than a minute away from hers. Did I mention I have Fridays off? That doesn't matter. I will still get him at 6pm on Friday and she better be prepared to get him back Sunday at 6pm.

Heck, I am doing Her a favor. I am only supposed to get Sun every OTHER weekend. She better be happy I am helping her out. Who cares if I want to take exotic trips and utilize family members when it is my turn to keep my dear Sun? I don't see what the deal is anyway. Sun hates me. He is only 3 and he tells me every time I talk to him. He kicks and screams the majority of the time he comes with me anyway. That's why it really doesn't bother me that I don't see him as much. He is IN LOVE with her anyway. Better for me. She will fill bad if she is not able to spend a lot of time with him so I am scott free!

I love my Sun but, let's face it. I have a life too. My mom raised me by herself. I didn't even meet my dad until I was 21. Rai has it good. She is getting a percentage of my earnings every month. That should be good and plenty. I don't see why she is complaining. At least Sun knows who I am! I will be there enough. Who cares if it isn't every day. That is Rai's job.

Sad huh. But too true!

Note to Men...
Man up and take care of your responsibilities. Child Support is around because children need it. I emphasize the word CHILDREN and NEED. They were not made alone and they should not be finacially supported or raised alone! Sunshine is with his family every weekend. That is because I accept nothing less. He is apart of them as much as he is apart of me. S(ingle) M(oms)! Do all you can to ensure that you have exhausted every avenue for your child to be apart of their other half's life! I sure did!

The End.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

You think you know... but have NO idea!

We have all done it. Been in relationships with people we 'think' we know. How do you really know, that you really know, that you know someone? There are couples that have been married for years only to come to the conclusion that they really do not know each other.

Here are important questions you need to ask your self about your partner. This is assuming you are in a serious relationship (both of you ;o))!

1. Have you met the fam? Children?
2. Have you met the crew(friends)?
3. Are you aware of the place of employment? Ever been there?
4. Are you aware of the credit score? Social Security Number?
5. Have you seen his drivers license?
6. Have you ever been to his house?
7. Ever glance at the mail to notice potential names other than his? (assuming you answered yes to #6)
8. Does he drink? Smoke? Could there be a potential substance abuse problem?
9. How does he handle his anger?
10. Is he an open or private person?
11. Does he talk about his family?
12. How is his relationship with his mom?
13. What type of family situation did he come from?
14. Do you know about his pass sex history? How many? Gender? (hey...we are in the age of the DL brotha's)
15. Does he have regular AIDs testing?
16. How does he see his future family life?
17. Is he even family oriented?
18. What is his view on women?
19. Is he ambitious?
20. Where does he see himself in the next 5, 10, 20 years?

These are all EXTREMELY important questions to ask yourself when dealing with a new mate. Now LADIES... some of these questions you will have to be observant to give you a realistic answer. Others you will be able to just simply ask. Accept the answers as reality and for what they are. Do not attempt to change this man, either you accept him or not!

Happy Inquiry!


Monday, June 26, 2006

SDM... There are only so many corners!

Yup. I am at it again. Talking about sex. But, not just about having sex. About having sex with a man that is smaller than what you are use to.

I will refer to them as S(mall)D(ick)M(en). When dealing with an SDM it is really important to stroke their ego as much as possible. Never refer to their lower region, in any way, unless you are prepared to make them feel like "King of the Jungle". If not, they will definitely be able to tell. They are pretty sensitive about their 'stuff'. Hopefully your SDM will be able to compensate for his lack of growth in other areas. Let me be blunt. His tongue definitely needs to take up the slack. If not, you are really in a world of trouble.

During Intercourse. The typical SDM does a lot of talking, grunting, moaning, etc. This is a HUGE sign, that he is aware of his lacking. He is trying to get your mind off of what is actually going on. I don't know why but, most SDM feel that if they make up enough noise you won't really notice how much they AREN'T working with. This doesn't work SDM, sorry. But, as women, we know our roles. We force a 'pretend' orgasm and go along with our business. ATTENTION LADIES! If you really care about your SDM you will play the game with him. You do not have to remind him that he is an SDM. He knows. When you gain a few pounds does he have to tell you? My point exactly. We all know where our short comings are. We need no reminders. Either you are willing to work with him or not!

Key Indicators. The first encounter is always too funny. Normally you can tell what you're working with by the size of the hands and feet. Ladies! These are key indicators. If your man's hands and feet are about the same size as yours, you have a potential SDM. Beware. If you are 5'6 or shorter and taller than your man with heels on. Beware. If he pulls it out so you can feel it and it takes you more than a few seconds to grip it. Beware. If he is sweating, (grinding away) and you feel absolutely NOTHING... Beware. It is your choice ladies.

Corner Hitting. Most SDM have all kinds of little positions that gets them a bit closer to the "G" spot. Though most SDM's will never actually 'hit' it, there are ways to graze it (getting you a bit closer to ecstasy- you ad lib the rest). They study Kuma Sutra and other 'sex' guides. Thus explaining the reason why your leg is in such a wired position. Wait... this is my favorite. He is on top of you. He puts pillows at the curve of your back to tilt your p**sy up. Thus aiding him in getting that much closer. Let me tell you (from experience), it works. If your SDM isn't using this technique, let him know. He should be. It works! You will notice many attempts to hit corner after corner. Relax. He is doing the best he can.

SDM "Braggers". Many SDM that I know brag about the hundreds of women they have been with. This may very well be true, but let's examine why. This is definitely a quality vs. quantity issue.
I am a female.
I meet you.
I want to have sex.
I discover you are an SDM.
I let you hit to be 'nice'.
I never call you again.
Thus, making it crucial for you to find some one else. I look at it like this. SDM rack up their sex partners so fast because, when most women find out about their "lack of", they are usually out of there. There are two sides to every story. Some women are in love with that man. SDM's- it is not because of the sex! She really likes you so... she is letting ok sex slide. SDM's please don't brag. You're not working with much, it just calls more attention to that fact.

SDM's it isn't your fault. Your genetics have contributed to the fact that you are not working with much. We still love and adore you all the same. You must realize that you are an SDM, it is ok. There are women out there for you.

Keep Hope Alive.


If I Smoked Crack

Bare with me. It may by no means seem this way, but the CRACK subject is near and dear to my heart. Let me tell you why.

My Uncle is a Crack Head. There is definitely one in every family. Well, mine came in the form of my mother's younger brother. It use to make me all sad and stuff. You know... having a Crack Head uncle, but as the years pass, I have chose to laugh instead of cry. So... I have created this post.

If I Smoked Crack:

If I smoked crack, I would be layed up at momma's house. I would be just coming down from a high, and contemplating when I would get the next one. I know I would have hurt her deeply by the choices I had made in life. Realistically, she's momma so she would love me unconditionally. Thus, letting me live with her. It would get hard on her sometimes 'cause the drug dealers would come by from time to time looking for me. She would get her life threatened, tires slashed, and windows broken. She knew it was all apart of the deal when you took care of your crack head daughter. Momma would pretend to be shocked when she noticed pieces of her jewelry missing, and believe me, she has lots of nice stuff. She would blame the 'carelessness' on her self, for leaving the jewelry out. Momma was in denial because deep down she knew it was me, her crack head daughter who stole from her. She didn't want to realize it because, she still considered me that baby that she carried and gave birth to. Little did she know (or want to admit), I had changed as soon as I was introduced to crack cocaine.

I remember it like it was yesterday. Me and the fellas hanging at a friends house. We were drinking and smoking it up. We smoked weed just about everyday. We got so use to being high (on the weed), so we started popping pills. That got old, so we started snorting cocaine... anything to escape reality. Coke made my nose burn, so that wasn't for me. Thus, Mr. Pipe got introduced into my life. It was weird at first, putting the crack in and lightning up. I wasn't use to it. It did not take long though. Soon, I did it with ease. After inhaling the addicting drug, I instantly depended on it. I was taken so far from reality it was unbelievable. I could do anything. Be anybody. Until I came down from my high at least. Then, there reality was. Get this... I felt worse than I did to begin with. So, then it started. Getting access to crack every time I didn't feel well, and this was alot. My dependency began.

I would be getting really thin. My outer appearance would begin to not matter at all to me. My teeth would began to decay and my hair would fall out. I would do anything for crack. Suck as many d**ks as possible, sell my body, my child, steal, lie, etc... I would do all it took to get high. I would alienate family and friends. I would lose my self worth and belongings. I would lose myself. I would be a Crack Head. By choice. A Crack Head.

My initial intent for this post was humorous. The more and more I wrote, the more sad I became. Drug dependency is truly a problem. Those who truly want and seek help are normally the only one's who benefit from it. If this disease plagues you (not sure if you would even be reading this) or a loved one, stay strong. When God is added to any situation, it automatically works out in our favor.

Stay strong.

The End.


Sunday, June 25, 2006

...Hope All the Sperm Died

He looked at me and I at him. At that point in time I knew we would be together. Sexually that is. As I gazed into his eyes, I knew he had a yearning for me. He yearned my soul, spirit, mind, and body. He yearned for me. I wanted to feel his member in me instantly, but I am a lady about mine. I let him take control. As he kiss, licked, and bit various parts of my body, it made me want him more.

~Why did I get my self into this position? I remembered what happened last time. We got a little too excited and it was the whole pregnancy scare. I was smart though. Researched about the rhythm method and got a female contraceptive. Pretty interesting. You insert the gel into your vagina and it acts as a spermicide (for one hour) killing any sperm before it potentially meets an egg- thus lessening the potential of becoming pregnant.~

We continued to nibble each other and then it was obvious that it was about that time. As he pulled off my panties and I his briefs, time could not move fast enough. He entered me instantly. We were connected. I felt him, he felt me. We explored one another until our bodies could do no more. As I straddled him, he hammered himself in me until I could take it no more. Neither could he, so he and the same time. Came.

As I reflected on the contraceptive of choice... one thought...

"I hope all that sperm died!"

The End.

A cute little post. I could be talking about me... or not.


Thursday, June 22, 2006

Dallas- Take Three... ACTION!

Okay...okay... Sunday morning at Leggs' loft. It was a repeat, as far as breakfast was concerned. The only difference was Smokes was there instead of Head. We lay in the living area talking about life and love. It was pretty cool. Leggs and I decided to prepare for the day (It was game 5 of the Mavs and the Heat) and what we had plans on doing. Smokes left and Leggs and I took showers (separately ;op), put on make-up, clothes, and we were out!

We headed to my Grandmomma's house to enjoy some good 'ole, greens, hot water cornbread, dressing, cranberry sauce, yams, and that good swwweeettt tea! OMG! The thought of the food was amazing, let alone the flavor. We enjoyed that for a bit and headed to Leggs' family's house to say our hello's.

We were then off to Champs to enjoy the good ole Mavs game. It was game 5 so all of my football fans know how it ended up. Heck, we know how the series ended. My experience at that place alone probably requires it's own post but, I won't take it there.

Nigerian men... no disrespect, but those niggas are CRAZY. There is this guy who approaches me, and say's "Hello beautiful". He then slides his cell phone in my direction and says, "Give me your number." Excuse me? You don't even know me like that. We have never went to school or baked cookies together. I'm gonna need you to back up off of me. Actually, that was what I was thinking. A couple of hours later he approached me and stated, "I will get you pregnant tonight." I almost cussed, before I thought about it. Truly a mess! I didn't want to be rude 'cause Nigerian men are known for throwing a woman through a wall or two. ;o) So, I politely declined. He went his way and I mine.

We ate an watched the game at a popular sports bar, so the ladies and gents were out in full force. All glamorous and dolled up. Guys were everywhere, buying drinks and hoping for a potential cut at the end of the night. It was truly amazing to see. I had obviously been in this atmosphere before but that was the old me... Rai- was truly astonished. Beautiful (externally) women were entertaining guys they normally wouldn't based what they 'thought' they had. Men walking around with their bling and fancy clothes, figuring that was enough to snag the right woman. People name dropping left and right. It was truly an experience. I definitely had the time of my life though. And then there were three. Leggs and I started the evening together, but we were soon greeted by Angelic- I love the name, it describes her beauty. Really cute girl. didn't;t find out too much about her but, apparently her and Leggs have become fast friends. They are the Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie of Dallas, so all must be well. The three of us sit at the bar all dressed in white. I don't know who our comparison could have been 'cause we were all looking like... the bomb! I pretty much did the smiling and nodding, while they entertained all the guys- they knew them all. It was fun never the less.

Well... Dallas lost by one measly point, thus the night was over. I was disappointed but, I know they will take it home next year, so everything was all good.

We leave the bar and head to an athlete friend of Leggs. What a big beautiful house? It just makes you want to do big things so you can ball out of control. He was hospitable but, Rai is and will never be a third leg so, I opted for Smokes to come scoop me and head me back to Leggs' loft. We head back and I am TIRED- it is around 2 in the AM and I am heading back to Dallas at 6am so let's say... I was not hearing it at all.

Yes. Smokes did try to put it down. I am not bragging, because there is nothing to brag about. I am woman and he is man. What else would I expect? A nice tenderoni coming down for the weekend. Who wouldn't. He is an AWESOME man, but not for me. I went there at 15... I won't go back.

Leggs returned... he went home... I nestled into bed... Headed back to HTown.

The End.



I am posting this in my blog because you all out there in Blogspot Land need to know how I am feeling. My dear Lord and Savior is definitely holding my hand right now. If you guys have kept up with my posts, you will remember a "OMG...I'm a Baby's Momma" post. It was really cute... short and sweet.

This one is REAL...

I am a Baby's Momma on the VERGE...
There are so many things going on in my head right now... therefore, I have no format whatsoever. Everything is about to basically spill out...

Oooh I love my baby
But he act just like his daddy
I use to lust his daddy then...
He gave me the baby
Didn't warn me I would have to do this by myself
Didn't tell me he would basically be the babysitter
I'd have to stay on my grind
Would be a matter of time
Before reality would set in and I would have to-
Take him for every dime
In that CS
Honestly, the money isn't for me
But I have payed a bill or three
It's all good 'cause you see...
My baby lives with me
He flushes the toilet, thus using the water when he pee
It's no ordinary relationship you see
Between my baby daddy and me
Nigga got all educated- obtaining all kinds of degrees
I moving in slow motion 'cause I'm watering my seed
Making sure he blossoms
Achieves his highest potential
It's hard sometimes
Doing it all alone
Holding it down and staying strong
Gotta stay up
Can't let anything break me
Ooohh... I said break...
Would it be possible
Can I just break that niggas legs, put Sunshine in his lap and leave?
Then he would be forced to take full responsibility of his seed
Don't worry... it would be cool
Sunshine can potty alone and take baths
He can even make him self a sandwich or two
Nah... that wouldn't be right
I have to realize that I am a baby's momma
I am doing my thing
Sunshine has a weekend Dad
Whom I will not blame
He is doing all he knows how
He didn't come from much
I should've though about that before I let him touch
No regrets though
With out that moment in time
I would not have a chance to
Conceive and birth my Sunshine.

The End.

~NowthatIgotthatoutImmagoshankthatnigga~ Just Playing---Don't Call the Po Po's... I have Sunshine Remember?

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Dallas-Take Two...ACTION!

All I remember is the fact that it was in the AM almost PM (afternoon) on Saturday, 6/17/06. I lay stretched across Leggs' couch. I was looking a HOT MESS... with that good 'ole morning breath... tousled hair... 'morning face'...this wretched rash I got from having too much caffeine highlighted by the sunshine peeping in from the windows of the loft, was nicely wrapped around my chest, arms, neck, and back, as if it were a blanket. Long story longer... I was not cute!

Head (my friend who stayed the night), went out to get us some breakfast (Jack in Da Crack crossaints, eggs, cheese, and hash browns) Leggs and I were being simple gals that weekend. In the meantime, between time we played catch up. Talk about were we were in life. You know... as it pertains to love and relationships. We lounged and chatted it up most of the day and then...I headed out to handle some business. I soon hooked up with Momma G and we spent the afternoon shopping and running errands. It was good to hang out with my mom for a bit. We rarely get time together, so it is all good when we do get that special time...just her and I. After a fun filled day of shopping I hooked back up with Leggs and Smokes (let me explain).

Smokes has the wonderful title of being my first boyfriend. We were young at the time, 15 years old. We dated for about a year and he cheated on me. After that we both moved on and got separated by life. I hold no hard feelings for events that occurred 10 years ago, so it was actually good to check him out and know that he was doing good.

Leggs', Smokes, and I proceeded to the loft to unwind for the night. I had aspirations of heading out for the night with Head (my besetest friend, remember?) so I was in a mad rush, the whole evening. Smokes proceeded to Smoke some green (did that sound cheesy?- I am not up on my weedology). Leggs was too tired already, but after a single puff, she was knocked out. That left me and Smoke choppin' it up in the living room. We were sipping cocktails (that I concocted), while listening to music and updating each other on our lives and what we had been doing in the gap. It was really interesting to see how much we had evolved as people (from kids to adults). After an hour of conversing and drinking, I fainted! Not really... I was so tired, I went to sleep before I knew it- only to wake up in the same fashion as I did on friday. Smoke and I in the living room passed out, as Leggs walks in (wearing the same thing she had on the previous night) sleepy and disgruntled. She was like DAYUM... what is going on? It's a different nigga in here every night Rai.


That was by no means the case. Head and I are best friends and will not take it there. Smokes and I hadn't seen each other in years so... in essence, I don't know him like that. But, most importantly, I am in love with my King and would never (under AND circumstances) do anything to mess that up.

So I had a couple of "catch up" days with two people from my past. It was actually cool.

I left a couple of details out about the entire day but... I will eventually get to it all.

The End.


Beau's Stormy Skye

Once upon a time there was this beautiful woman by the name of Skye. She was really friendly to all of those she met. One day she befriended another beautiful female by the name of Stormy. They became instant friends who hung out together all the time. They went to parties, the movies, malls... heck, they did everything together. Skye ended up dating a professional guy who she really adored. Thus, she was extremely excited when he told her he would be in town for a few nights.

The excitement really began to build for her. She had talked about him to Stormy so much, she knew it was just a matter of time before they met. So, Skye invited Stormy to go to dinner with her and Beau, her man. The evening started out beautifully. They wined and dined, thus having a LOVELY evening. By the end of the night Skye and Beau were both extremely inebriated, and ready to go back to the hotel. Stormy, being the, tag along, obliged and went back with them.

After entering the Presidential Suite, Stormy immediately went to the opposite end of the suite to have a phone conversation with her boyfriend. Meanwhile Skye and Beau were sexing it up on the couch, bed, floor... EVERYWHERE. The sex was so good to them both. Beau used his tie to blind fold Skye, then the fun really began. Beau began licking Skye's cl*t with a vengeance. It felt soooooooooo good. She was in sure ecstasy. On the verge of cumming she yanked the blindfold off...

There was Stormy deeply immersed in the sweet fruit of her valley. In the meantime Beau is visually enjoy the trios that he concocted.

How's that friendship for you?

The End.


Dallas- Take One... ACTION!

Okay... here I go... I must tell you all about my hometown experience. It is a lot to tell but I will try to get through as much of it as possible.

Night One:
Leggs... a dear friend of mine in which I hadn't seen or talked to in roughly a year picked me up and the weekend began. In order to understand the totality of the weekend, I must tell you a little bit about Leggs.

Leggs is a beautiful woman who has quite a bit going for her. I have known her since the seventh grade (roughly 12 years). We were really cool in high school and hung out quite a bit. Leggs is a really friendly woman to all that she meets. She is destined to be a BIG star so she surrounds herself around such. She typically dates professional athletes and/or those that are finacially (plus) stable. On the outside looking in one would consider her a bopper (gold(diamond)digger, but she is far from it. She takes care of her own but, she does accept assistance when offered. She is quick to make friends (especially with females), she loves to be on the seen and considers herself the Paris Hilton of Dallas (cute!). She's a brilliant song writer and is definitely going to blow up one day. She loves to be known and in the limelight. She's truly a fun person to be around- thus I stayed in her downtown loft with her this weekend.

Back to night one. We ended up kicking it at her prof. athlete (football) buddy's business for a little while on Friday night. Then, home to change for the bar that night. Leggs is also a bartender so she can whip up an AMAZING drink instantaneously. So we sipped and got dressed. Pretty soon we were ready to kick it. We hooked up with a few other friends from school "Eyes" and "Head" (since we are using body parts ;of). I will dedicate a post to them later 'cause it is too too much to tell. We headed to a lounge downtown.

After tons of drinks and a couple shots of patron, we were through with the party scene, (not to mention we got there at almost 1am anyway). We went to Cafe Brazil ( a cool after hours eating joint), had a bite and called it a night. Leggs was tired so we immediately went back to her house. Head, who is my bestest guy friend in the world, came by to chat it up. Yup... 3 am chatting it up. You have to understand, I hadn't kicked it with him in a while, so we did have some catching up to do. We talked and talked and talked until... I woke up the next morning. I was on Legg's couch and he was on the floor. Pretty pathetic, but fun!

That was Night One in a nutshell. It was simple but fun as well. The weekend was just beginning!


Saturday, June 17, 2006

Does Size Really Matter?

Yup... Ladies and gents. I am digging into this touchy topic. I am in Dallas now enjoying the company of a very dear friend of mine. Based on a couple of similar experiences with men we got on the topic of penis size and how (if at all) important it is to the intimate relationship of a man and woman. She had really good insight on the topic, so I thought I would share with you all. Her name is Leggs, and our convo went a little something like this..

Rai: How important is the size of a man's penis?
Leggs: Very!
Rai: Why?
Leggs: Because, anatomically, we need to be compatible... If I cannot feel you, why are you here? ;o)
Rai: That's good stuff! So basically, you are saying that men and women should be able to 'join' together... while enjoying dual pleasure.
Leggs: Exactly!

The moral of this story is... Size is TOTALLY important, to some.

Personally, I feel that if the two people are compatible it is about the WHOLE experience. Expressing yourself together sexually is AWESOME, when indeed it works for the both of you. Don't get me wrong... size does have a bit of importance but, it is so much more to it. Based on personal experiences, I have definitely connected more with, let say a guy who is much smaller than my norm. I tell you what though... it is definitely the first time that I have had a mind, body, and soul experience during sex. The total package is much more than a huge d*%k pounding into you over and over. This is true.

Thanks to Leggs for her commentary, it is truly appreciated!


Friday, June 16, 2006

Beautiful Dallas Texas!

This Lovely City is where I call Home!!!

Want to know more? Check out: !

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

My Journey Back... To DTown that Is...

Yesterday, I reconnected with a dear friend of mine in which I hadn't talked to in what seemed like...FOREVER! She is a Foxy Momma holding down the fort in Dallas (my hometown). Me and this Foxy Chica go wwwwwwwwwaaaaayyyy back. I'm talking Cross Colors, '93 Jordans, Mullets, and Slouch Socks way back. Time has definitely separated us, but not for long.

I plan on hitting up 'ole DTown this weekend. No, not in lieu of Father's Day ('cause I am a test tube baby foreal ;o)!). I am going, (with out Sunshine- my son) for once, and I plan on hanging out and seeing a few people I hadn't seen in FOREVER. It is always good to stroll down memory lane every now and again. I am excited an nervous at the same time. This is the first time the "NEW" Rai will go and truly hang in her old 'stomping grounds'. I look forward to seeing everyone and reminiscing on all the good times. I normally go home and visit the usual fam. It is normally me, with Sunshine in tow. The fam normally runs right pass me, into his arms. Well... actually he is normally running away from them. It is pretty cute.

~ Why go to DTown?... to explore a couple of business opportunities and just hang in familiar surroundings. I am truly EXCITED! It helps that the Mavs are in the finals and Dallas is guaranteed to be SUPER CRUNK. Not sure if crunk juice is my preference of drink any more but... indeed we will see. I am not too sure how it will feel to be back. Don't get me wrong, I visit Dallas often, it's just that normally I am chillin' with the fam. It's just me, my Bestest Homie ( a guy who's a successful entrepreneur) and the the ladies. We have all grown into ourselves and it will be truly exciting to see the outcome.

What do I want to do first? Definitely hit up a downtown lounge spot. Those are always the HOTTEST! I wouldn't mind catching a live show. Doing a little shopping. Catching a peep at the African American Art Museum in the heart of South Dallas. Definitely hitting up Grandmama's for some good 'ole greens and hot water corn bread ;o)! Church is good. People watching. Having some Mommy and Me time (she was my Papa too!). I am ELATED to be able to enjoy my HOMETOWN!

Mah peeps better watch out! Not sure what I am capable of! It'll probably be rated PG though. Don't have time for the drama.

The End.


The Tales of Planned Parenthood

Once opon a time there lived a beautiful woman in a land far, far away. She had been celibate for some time anticipating the arrival of her soul mate. Her and her best friend often shared fantasies about the day they would meet their mates. They both met one fine gentleman each and... bam! They felt it was love at first sight and they were on their way to romanceville. One of the beautiful ladies gave up celibacy and united with her soul mate. Unbeknownst to her during the heat of the moment the "pull out" would come a bit too late. We will revisit her story in a moment...

The other beautiful lady made love to her connection a couple of times before he left her side temporarily. A month passes and she notices her period is late. She doesn't fret though... she contacts her best friend for advice. Beautiful One A instructs Beautiful One B to get an EPT (Early Pregnancy Test) to be sure. Beautiful one purchases the test, pees, and...

These are two young up and coming successful women. They have their whole life in front of them. They have made plenty mistakes in their lives but... for once, they feel they have made the right decision on choices of mates. But potential pregnancy plagues them. This could definitely change their lives for eternity.

So...Beautiful One A runs (literally) to Planned Parenthood to purchase the Plan B pill. It works within 72 hours of intercourse to stop conception. She also is present when Beautiful One B reads the positive sign on her EPT. Beautiful One A purchases an EPT just in case she didn't bite the bullet. She is relieved to find out there will be no additions to her family. She convinced Beautiful One B to visit a Planned Parenthood to have it confirmed. Early on a Saturday morning, it indeed was.

The moral of this story... BE CAREFUL ladies. If you do not want to get pregnant, or contract a wretched illness, strap up or don't participate at all. Celibacy is a lot easier than welcoming a new baby or illness into your life.


If you have just had unprotected sex, (no more than 72 hours ago) an have no plans of starting (or extending) your family, visit Planned Parenthood right away. The Plan B pill is a solution to your problem. This post is not soley about it so.. visit the website for more info.

If you think you may be pregnant please visit your nearest doctor or Planned Parenthood.

Need HIV testing? You and your partner need to visit a Planned Parenthood.

Do I sound like a spokesperson yet?

Visit Planned Parenthood for more info:

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Lesbians... What Constitutes One...

Hum you say... a very interesting topic. For so long the world has gotten accustomed to gay males. Heck! As women, they have become our best friends. I mean, with a gay male you get the best of both worlds. You get advice and the male perspective, without worries that he is sexually attracted to you. ;o)

Lesbians have been around for quite some time but now, more than ever, women have been seeking other women for comfort, support, and sexual pleasure. I find this to be very interesting, because society tends to take sides with the more biblical perspective. I have a few questions myself.

What makes a woman attracted to another woman sexually?
Could it be that we as women have actually had a chance to look and realize the beauty that our fellow women possess? The curves and accents that women have. Are we bored with men and there lack of passion and commitment? Have we settled on foreplay (oral sex) vs. penetration (from a human at least)?

Does every woman (regardless of orientation) fantasize about being with another woman?
Hum... would you all like to answer?

Why are men so down with girl on girl?

Men are attracted to two (or more) beautiful women enjoying each other sexually. I have heard from many men, that they would rather watch than participate.

These are valid questions in which we need to ask ourselves if we would like to further explore the topic.

My opinion...
You would like to know huh?

I am an extremely open person and could see how women would be attracted to each other...
BUT... men are wonderful human beings. We were destined to be with them in every way possible. Men are so different than woman and that was how it was supposed to be. Should we just give up on them? No? If you are truly attracted to men, and enjoy relationships with them, that is what works for you. If you are attracted to women... that is your right. I believe people should do what makes them happy.

I men... but, I can appreciate a beautiful woman.
Let me stop... King gonna think he can bring his fantasy to life! ;o)



This sssoooo would have been me and my girls in the 1960's. Bellies Unite!

It's 12 days into June and... I'M BBAAAAACK!

What can I say? Almost two weeks into June and so much has happened. Where do I begin? I dare not try to include it all in this post but... I assume all the CRAZINESS has came to an end so... I will spend the remainder of the month attempting to catch you up. This month so far has been...
a BIG block of CONFUSION. I can't complain though. It has aided me in being a better, more understanding person.

I will give you a brief summary though. Lets see, this month so far I have...
Had my patience and loyalty to King tested
Been to Planned Parenthood twice (not soley for me ;o))
Witnessed two home pregnancy tests
Had a record blood alcohol level
Became a new "auntie to be"
Fell in love- confirmed
Spent a record amount of time alone since King entered my life
Rekindled a special friendship
... and that's 12 days in. I will elaborate on a few things more later. I will leave you with that now.


Thursday, June 01, 2006

So Long May '06

Dear May 2006,

What can I say? How can I say? Thank you! You have been so good to me. This month started out GREAT and had ended on a wonderful note. Let's see... I held my first WHEW Sister Circle meeting. It was AWESOME! That was at the beginning of the month. I also attended the first taping of a T.V. show for King's Web Based T.V. station (I had to support my man). Hummm... I went home (D-Town TX) for Mother's Day to see Momma G. I read a wonderful book by my favorite author, E. Lynn Harris. It was AWESOME! I began an "official" relationship with King. I also ended the month by spending a WONDROUS weekend with King! Ok...ok... I will stop with the sssoouulllllll mate stuff. Thanks May! You have been so good to me!

Lookin' forward to June!
