Thursday, November 16, 2006

It Was A Hoax!!!!!!!!!

King DID NOT, I repeat, DID NOT BREAK UP with ME! Bare with me, the last time someone told me, "We need to talk", he confessed that he had a wife (they were going through a divorce) and a illegitimate child (with someone else, not the wife). It was a true mess! I guess that is why I prepared myself for the worse.

King wanted to talk to me about a habit I have, that he could care less for, and the fact that I am a procrastinator. Can you believe that? He wants me to be a better person. Who would have thunk it? I dunno.

This proves that he is the man that I thought he was. I just need to step my game up and show him that I AM the woman he fell in love with. He brought up valid points. There are definitely things about me that need to change, in order to propel me into my DIVINE DESTINY!

The End.



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