I Got My Coochie Checked...
Okay, now that I have gotten your attention... I know what you all are thinking. She is definitely at it again.
You would be right. Back in May I did a post on the importance of a Well Women's exam. It is indeed important. So important I felt it would only be right if I shared my personal experience with you all. I did receive my exam this past week.
I hadn't been in about a year. Which is fine because unless something is "wrong", Dr.'s recommend getting yourself checked annually. So let's see, where do I start?
It was raining terribly bad on this morning and I had to make arrangements for Sunshine to be dropped off at my job prior to my appointment. There was ABSOLUTELY NO way that I would take him with me. He is far too curious about the "lower region" as is. Where was I? Ok... I remember. I dropped him off so a really good friend (employee) could keep an eye on him. I then proceeded to the Dr.s office.
I was running about 15 mins. late due to the weather so, I called ahead of time to let them know. Maria, the office assistant that answered the phone didn't seem especially friendly, but she was understanding due to the fact that the weather was indeed a problem on that day. When I finally arrived, the office was fairly packed. About 5 to 7 people in front of me, which is a lot considering I would have to wait, because I was so late. I signed in and waited to see the Dr. As I nestled into my seat I heard the annoying (LOUD) voice of a man talking on his cell phone. I am assuming he was waiting for someone and attempted to "waste" time by talking on the phone. Let me just tell you, it was indeed annoying. I basically knew everything that was going on in his personal life.
"Rai, you can come back now." Those words were music to my ears. As I proceeded back to the examining room area, I had to make a couple of stops. First, the scale. Whew... it was soo scary. I had gained 5 lbs. Next stop, bathroom... urine sample time. Third and final stop, examination room. The nurse asked ALL kinds of personal questions, took my blood pressure, and asked me to disrobe and wait for the doctor. It was exactly 12 noon when the nurse left the room.
I sit there completely naked underneath the paper shirt and sheet they gave me to put on. It was pretty chilly in there. I had a 1pm meeting at work, so I was in a hurry to get the process over with. 12:10pm... 12:15pm... 12:30pm... the nurse comes in... the Dr. will be with you in a moment, she has one patient in front of you. I began to panic. There would be know way I would make my meeting. Had to give the J O B a call. Talked to my boss and everything was fine.
Around 12:55pm my Dr. finally comes in. She is sssssssooooooooo funny. Me, if I was an OB/GYN. She asked about me and Sun. She commented on how MARVELOUS I looked, even though, after that whole "scale" episode I didn't feel anywhere near marvelous. She checked my breathing and did a once over. she asked me to lay back and opened my make shift gown. After examining each of my breasts, she stated... "Spread 'em". I placed each foot on a stirrup... scooted and layed down and relaxed. We were holding an interesting conversation about my occupation as she took this BRIGHT lamp and placed it in front of my "area". She took the necessary tool and slowly placed it inside of me. I felt a tug and pull as she clipped a piece of tissue from my uterus. She then took the tool out (putting the tissue in the proper container) and placed two fingers inside of me. She moved her fingers around inside of me as she pressed firmly on my stomach. She pulled her fingers out, look at me and said, "looks good to me".
We talked about birth control methods. I told her I currently wasn't using one and she suggested Nuva Ring. I obliged. I guess we will see how this works.
I proceeded to the check out area to set up my next appointment. After briefly telling me when I would be needed back, the receptionist asked me to get my blood tests done. After that, I returned back to the window to confirm my appointment. She asked if I had changed my number because, when she called the male voiced seemed kind of surprised to have someone calling there for me. I said (in a joking way), "Yes, you called my Baby's Daddy's house, and I don't appreciate him all in my business!". She started to laugh. She told me of a reminder call she had made prior to mine, and apparently the "new" girlfriend answered the phone and was not happy. She wanted to know all types of personal info (when the girl was due, her last name). She even threatened to come to the Dr.'s office. Pure drama! We laughed. I received necessary prescriptions. That was it!
It is serious out there. It is important to visit your GYN annually (at least) to check out the goings on in your body. The choice is yours. What do you choose?
The End.